Aug 8, 2010

Goodbye Harvard, hello world!

And so it is that I said farewell to many years in the venerable halls
of Harvard after many heartfelt goodbyes from students whom I taught
through a summer session of chemistry. After months of planning, I
had hoped that all would go smoothly as we prepared to leave...but...

The craziness began after I visited my family in Hilton Head, SC one
week before our trip. Michelle spent the entire week with my family,
while I spent the week finishing my teaching at Harvard. The week
started by three valuable boxes of our travel supplies being stolen
while finishing moving and continued with a frantic week long
expedition to rebuy everything. Michelle, meanwhile, over at the
beach was busy coughing, getting an emergency chest x-ray, and getting
medication for the bronchitis she developed. Not eventful enough, you
say? Well, that was day 1. Day 2 brought a family medical emergency
scare and a whole bunch of strange police phone calls reporting the
findings of multiple items that I threw away weeks ago as stolen
(unfortunately, none of the goods that were ACTUALLY stolen). Day 3
was uneventful, yet on Day 4 Michelle took the GMAT. One Day 5, the
day that we were to leave, the keys to Michelle's ride to the airport
got locked in the car. Then, she learned of a delay in her flight
that was long enough to make her miss her connection to Nairobi, which
would have resulted in her arriving one day late and missing the tour
and me altogether (we were going to meet in England in transit to
Kenya). Meanwhile, in Cambridge, I realized that we did not have
enough malaria medications as per the CDC's website and initiated a
mad dash to secure more. WHEW

As crazy weeks go, this one was pretty intense! I think that you
would agree :)_But, all worked out, Michelle and I are on our way.
Michelle got a whopping 780/800 on her GMAT, the highest score the
exam proctor had ever seen, the consulting club that I put so much
time into was featured in the Harvard Gazette, and my chemistry
students were very happy with their class.

Goodbye Harvard, hello world!

-written on the plane from Boston to England


  1. Congrats to Michelle on the amazing score!
    Can't believe that you two pulled off the big trip through such chaos.

  2. Bon Voyage and Hello to the greatest adventure of all times! Love, G
