Dec 11, 2010

Following Poets; Rome's Night Life

   At night, we walked all around Rome by just following the throngs of people walking from gellato stand to gellato stand.  Candles flickered on the cobblestone ground from the umbrella covered tables where Italian cuisine wafted its scent to passersby.  Mimes entertained (at one point a mime hilariously kept grabbing the back of a bicycle that a lady was trying to leave on without her noticing), musicians battled for space in key squares, young singles made wishes for love by throwing coins specific fountains, water spiggots ran constantly and provided a constant peaceful gurgle, and we continued wandering.  At one point we passed a designer undergarment store with a 5 Euro bra sale at midnight that was so packed that the entire street was full of people causing a traffic jam.  Our tour of the city at night ended at the romantic Spanish steps, a place where famous poets such as Shelley and Byron would frequent.  The steps were full of couples relaxing in between breaks at the most enormous McDonald´s that was around the corner. 
The chaos surrounding the bra sale (the red slips of papers are ads for it).
A view of the enormous McDonald's.

Another view from inside McDs.

Lover's lane, the Spanish Steps.

1 comment:

  1. What fun - you make it feel like a prime go-to place! G
