Dec 11, 2010

Argentine self image

  Even in our cheapest accommodations, there were full length mirrors. On any TV around the country there were at least 12 of 60 TV channels devoted to infomercials for machines that vibrated your fat away, tea that melted it away, or machines that toned it away. So, while the political and economic scars of this country were not noticed by us, the dangerous fat conscious image was. According to the rumor, Argentina has the highest rate of bulimia and anorexia in the world. College girls frequently dine on salty Ramen-esque soup mixes without the noodles for meals. Peanut butter is not really known to locals, but when one tried it, her immediate reaction was repulsion because of how "heavy" it was (as a side note to any Australians reading this, this local and
I also tried vegemite together...heavy or not we won't be eating that any time soon! ). It is not surprising however that self image is a problem, for diets high in beef in a society that wears mainly tight clothing and is free enough with sexuality and body to breastfeed at a kosher McDonalds in a mall food court as well as put a child's clothing store in the middle of the lingerie and sex clothing section of town is bound to have some dissonance. As a side note, the children's clothing store in the skimpy clothing area sounds like a promising good business model.

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