Jan 13, 2011


Well, after 5 months of traveling,
documented with 112 blog posts through
16 countries and
39 cities visited by traveling on
38 planes including 4 translatlantic flights,
20 boats,
7 long train rides (no trams or subways included),
51 taxis,
36 buses,
with 7 metro system navigated while staying in
54 hotels and 16 campsites being led around by
49 tour guides necessitating
39 ATM withdrawals and 
44 passport stamps resulting in over
16,000 photographs all the while
carrying an average of 51 lbs in our backpacks that led to
a loss of 15 lbs of body weight that was helped by
being sick 5 times (ear infection, altitude sickness, food poisoning, and traveler´s diarrhea twice) requiring 154 Pepto-Bismal tablets and
SPENDING OVER 592 HOURS (24.5 full days) IN TRANSIT...
we have seen a very, very small part of our amazing world

Hey, and we almost beat our underwear company's claim!


  1. Wow, what a great distillation of your impressions!

  2. It must be a huge project to keep track on all those numbers!
